Windows 11 revealed

So i was just reading up about it and then reached the point about the
system requirements… yikes 4 gb ram 2 or more cores 64gb storage needed…

this needs quite alot of power for a os i was thinking wiht the rumored windows 10 lite cancelation they would integrate it into 11 making it lighter orsomething geuss not.

this is the end for older computers and windows also windows 10 will be updated until 2025.

what do you guys think of this new windows

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Haven’t tryed it yet but yes they’re trying to phase out support for older pcs


I find that odd seeing as there are stil new computers sold with low ram and specs all together. whats there end game here i wonder?

I geuss we gonna see a wave of new linux user soon am i rite @blueswerks hahaha


Not realy sure

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Chromebooks and Neverware for older computers. I have installed the later on older laptops and an HP desktop that came with Windows 8. You can even install and run it from a USB flash drive:)

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not really comparable to full fledged os like linux,windows right?

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Chrome OS is possible to setup Linux terminal for ADB & Fastboot. Have not tried Neverware, yet.

It all depends on your needs and applications:)

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Good point

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