Retrieve data (notes) from Note 9 in bootloop

Hi Max and Greg,
I’m reaching because I have appreciated your youtube videos (good work with the site, by the way). I’m hoping one of you may be able to assist me. While in Mexico in February, my Note 9 fell into a bootloop. I didn’t attempt to flash anything, I was merely on the beach, not paying attention to the phone at all (maybe it tried to update- I have no idea).
I could factory reset the phone, but I don’t want to lose all the notes I’ve taken on Samsung notes app (and no, unfortunately that data wasn’t backed up anywhere).
This is a T-Mobile phone (I don’t believe it’s rooted)
I wiped the cashe
I’ve attempted Safe Mode… it just loops to restart
I’ve attempted to force an update through ADB via my PC. it shows that it will connect from CMD or a Powershell when I check “adb devices”, but when I attempt to sideload, after “opening update package” it reads:
“E: footer is wrong
E: signature verification failed
E: error: 21
Unable to open sysfs usb node (no such file or directory ). Trying configs
Failed to open configs node (Permission denied)
Installation aborted.#1

I also attempted to force the firmware update via SD card… also with no luck.
I believe android debugging is enabled
I don’t have a custom recovery installed and I haven’t attempted to flash CWM or TWRP, mainly because I’m not confident that I wouldn’t erase my data.
Apologies if I’m not including important info, I’m not well versed in this type of thing.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this…love the videos!


yes your welcome im not as good as max but i’m trying to learn as fast as posable , but on the other hand the only way to flash samsung is odin id have to look myself but u may be able to reflash stock firmware with out wiping data so u can keep ur files and stuff
so u must find out the exact model # and download the firmware for your phone then use odin to flash the firmware will give u 5 different files csc is the one you must pay attention to cuz if u use the wrong one u will lose data all together. it will come as csc home or just csc. so i hope this helps but this is the only way for samsung, oh yeah adb will connect for simple funtions only.

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just flash home csc in the csc spot


Thanks for the timely reply.
Yes, I’ve attempted the correct firmware that goes with my model. As per my original message, my concern is that I don’t wish to flash this with Odin with the “hope” that I don’t lose data. I’d rather buy 10 new phones, I could care less about the phone, the data is worth everything. Thus, what I’m looking for are some kind of step by step where I know in advance that I won’t lose the data.


Yes if you flash the correct csc to the csc partition u should be fine when I open the odin program u will see on the right hand side some direction on flashing csc and which one to use I understand your concern very much I would never steer any of you guys in the wrong direction kk,I always do my research first before I start to tell you where guys where to go… Ok I just looked it up and u need to flash csc home in csc partition to keep data.


It’s the only way to fix samsung properly

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Thanks you for typing all that out


right on, thanks Greg. I’ll give it a try and report back.


Yes try flashing latest firmware and put Home for CSC then it will flash without erasing data. If all else fails you will need to a factory reset.

