Request for OEM roms

Good day guys…I have a Tecno device, it’s treble enabled, arm32 a only…I’ve tried a lot of rooms with are Aosp based, but I want to flash OEM roms like miui, FlymeOS,color os, zen UI ,funtouchOS etc…but I can’t find any for arm32-a only devices .

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Yes there are arm 32 gsi roms here is a list of some for u if u have a a/b slot device it will work better as we have found a way for a only devices just yet. Oh I mis read ur post sorry there is not many arm 32 ported roms out there but have u looked on xda forums?? U may find something there

Yes, I have checked but I see only Aosp roms, and no OEM roms for my phone though there are roms for arm64 devices.