Hello all:
First of all , I would like to introduce myself, I am Russ Campbell, on Facebook I am under rcamp48@rogers.com, and I run a BBS under the name of Spy Visits Spy BBS. (Its down right now due to a system crash but should be back up by tomorrow).
I would like to confirm that the Lineage 14.1 image and the latest gapps file works except for the camera on the Samsung Galaxy SM-113 regular tablet, it was designed for the SM-T113SU (I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab E-Lite SM T113 tablet, it says SM-T113 in the about section so its not a SM-T113NU tablet. Have yet to check it with all of the features, but I will give it a try tonight.
As far as Android is I am not yet a programmer , but I am a programmer for QB64 under Linux and Windows, anyone care to take me under their wing so to speak to learn Android programming ? I have a Github account under rcamp48, so you can see smoe of my examples of programming there. I am just learning C now.